Skill Sets:
Good Communication Skill, Good Listening Skill, Convincing Capability, Soft spoken, Knowledge about e-Mail Writing
1. Strong knowledge in LAMP (Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP), HTML, CSS and JS), Ajax / Jquery.
2. Knowledge of any one RDBMS like Oracle, MS-SQL Server, DB2, but preferably MYSQL.
3. Knowledge of content syndicating technologies such as RSS, RDF, PList, JSON.
4. Other web technologies such as Web Mashups, RESTful Web servers, linked data etc.,Must be able to work in codeigniter framework,Must be able to work in codeigniter framework.
5. Integrating PHP based content pages with third party integration such as Amazon, EBay, Twitter, Pinterest, Paypal, Payu, Directpay, Facebook, AJAX, Flash, Maps API, Google Analytics, Forsquare etc.
Must be able to do R&D,Serve as main point of contact for technical requirements for marketing.
6. initiatives (e.g., campaign tracking, web analytics implementation, CMS).
7. Good user level operating knowledge of UNIX or LINUX flavoured operating system perefered Cent OS.
8. Familiar with the installation/configuration of PHP, MySql, Apache server & comfortable in HTML/XHTML, CSS.
PHP Developer Seajin Technology